Residency Guidelines

Brighton Little League programs are open to boys and girls ages 4-12 (see age guidelines below) who reside in or go to school in the town of Brighton, NY. Any child who resides in the Brighton Central School District is eligible regardless of where they attend school. Any child who goes to a private school located in Brighton, NY (Seton, Harley, McQuaid) is also eligible, regardless of where they live. If you are unsure if your child is eligible to play Brighton Little League, please reach out to Matt Harvey.

Age Guidelines

Little League Age Chart

Register based on your child's age as of September 1, 2024. Experienced 5 year olds may choose between T-Ball and Division A Ball.

T-Ball A AA AAA Majors
Age Range T-Ball4-5 A5-6 AA7-8 AAA9-10 Majors11-12
Birthday Range T-Ball9/1/2018 - 8/31/2020 A9/1/2017 - 8/31/2019 AA9/1/2015 - 8/31/2017 AAA9/1/2013 - 8/31/2015 Majors9/1/2011 - 8/31/2013

Season Dates

T-Ball A AA AAA Majors
Indoor Practice T-Ball
A4/13, 4/20 AA4/13, 4/20 AAA4/13, 4/20 Majors4/13, 4/20
Outdoor Practice T-Ball
A4/25, 4/27, 5/2, 5/16, 6/6 AA4/22, 4/27, 4/29, 5/13, 6/3 AAA4/24, 4/27 Majors4/23, 4/27
First Game T-Ball5/4 A5/4 AA5/4 AAA5/1 Majors4/30
Game Days T-BallSaturdays AThursdays, Saturdays AAMondays, Saturdays AAAWednesdays, Saturdays MajorsTuesdays, Saturdays
Opening Day Parade T-Ball5/4 A5/4 AA5/4 AAA5/4 Majors5/4
No Games (Memorial Day) T-Ball5/25 A5/25 AA5/25 AAA5/25 Majors5/25
Closing Day T-Ball6/22 A6/22 AA6/22 AAA6/22 Majors6/22

Division Format and Pricing

T-Ball A AA AAA Majors
Division Format T-BallTraditional tee ball where players first learn the game ATransition from tee ball; Games are 1/2 tee, 1/2 machine pitch Machine pitchAA AAATransition to 'Little League'; Games are machine pitch and kid pitch MajorsOfficial Little League Rules
Cost T-Ball$100 A$200 AA$200 AAA$240 Majors$240
Early Bird Rate (before 1/1) T-Ball$85 A$175 AA$175 AAA$215 Majors$215
Includes T-BallJersey, hat, LL International fees, field maintenance AJersey, hat, LL International fees, indoor space rental, field maintenance AAJersey, hat, LL International fees, indoor space rental, field maintenance AAAUmpires, official MLB jersey & hat, LL International fees, indoor space rental, field maintenance MajorsUmpires, official MLB jersey & hat, indoor space rental, field maintenance
Late Fee (after 3/19) T-Ball$25 A$25 AA$25 AAA$25 Majors$25

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